Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I have residual income answers... home based businesses for life!

If you have been chasing the pre-launch mlm dreams, hoping to 'BE ON TOP' of 'the Next Big Thing,' over and over again... trust me, I've 'been there done that.' And the best advice I can give is PICK a company (or 2) where you will use the product whether there's an opportunity attached to it or not. Our teams have found THE BIG things, not 'the next big thing.' YOU are on the TOP of YOUR Game... you do NOT have to 'be in first' to 'make the big money' in MLM. This has been proven time & again.

We welcome you to our Gano Excel team if you're in one of these 7 countries in North & South America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico, & Dominican Republic).
Catch the Vision for what's to come in N. America, the King of coffee drinkers below while you see Gano Excel take S. America by storm! The King of coffee countries even embrace what Gano Excel has to offer!

So every company has it's pros & cons... The PRO about Gano Excel is it's got 2 of the 'best of the best,' the "King of Herbs, in ganoderma lucidum, or reishi mushroom more commonly known," and Mr. Leow Soon Seng was brilliant to add it to coffee, tea, & hot chocolate to make sure everyone would consume it! (More pros, pay plan, leadership, management, corporate team bridged with field, & great team full of heart here). The downside of Gano Excel is that although they're in 65 countries, they do not have fully seamless international sponsoring, at least not yet. From N. America, we can sponsor into the 7 countries I mentioned throughout North & South America & the Caribbean.

If you are outside of these countries & want to partner in internet marketing & residual income on our team, please contact me via skype (bodymindconnect) & find out our team's 2 year old, 100 Million Annually seamless international opportunity of choice aside from your marketing tool, GVO(Global Virtual Opportunities). It's not that you can't make a 'great living' from Gano Excel in just the countries we can sponsor in... it's that 'the world is your oyster' via the internet and my partners & I make friends all over the globe via internet marketing and accept the SKY as the limit, not borders.

If you're looking for a cool marketing system/ funded proposal for internet marketing, I am proud to offer one of my partner in propserity's 'second income coach' system. You can use it no matter what your primary business is, and it also will allow you to invite folks to your primary home based business, GVO & other list building marketing tools complete with training from industry bests.

In Love, Joy & Gratitude,
Carrie Gebbie, MS
aka, Residual Income Coach

The Residual Income Coach recommends

Best WebHosting and Video Conference Package Pre-Launch

The Secret Fortune | Order Healthy Coffee Online | Fresh MLM Leads
LOA Meetup | Join Gano Excel | Flexible Work At Home

linkedin connection with carrie gebbie follow carrie gebbie on twitter facebook carrie gebbie

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