Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Did you know you have several free capture pages to use for Send out Cards?

Here are some examples of the marketing pages you can use to share send out cards as a business or simply a way to GROW your business by staying in front of and TOUCHING the lives of your clients, customers, & prospects!

1. www.sochomebusiness.com/residualincome

2. www.socreview.com/residualincome

3. Of course, the replicated site which you can add a banner via your back office that looks like this --> www.sendoutcards.com/53016

There are a couple of other options at www.socreview.com but the above links are my personal favorites.

SOC REVIEW is free to use if you're an SOC distributor! How cool is THAT!

To connect and work with me personally, CLICK HERE and also get access to some INCREDIBLE free training!

Together in Success!
Your Residual Income Coach,
Carrie Gebbie, MS

Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh so cool! Capture System for YOUR online residual income or ANY business


Here's the page first one I created with it! CLICK HERE!

Imagine the possibilities! Unlimited Capture pages. Autoresponder. 30 day free trial, NO credit card up front! $14.99 after the trial, share a little and yours is free!

Opt in to my new page for a free gift, and 30 day challenge!

Together in Success!
Your Residual Income Coach,
Carrie Gebbie, MS