Monday, February 22, 2010

Tell it like it is! One of my mentors and 'downline' by placement...

says this in a recent article...

" John Maxwell makes a quip about how people believe they will become successful. He says they look for the three ‘L’s: Las Vegas, lotteries and lawsuits.
And ain’t that the truth today!

USA Today newspaper had one of those little graph boxes they do and they asked people how they were going to increase their savings. About 20 percent answered the lottery! And the next option was selling possessions. So there’s obviously a lot of misconceptions about what it takes to reach success in anything.

In Network Marketing we have a true pathway to success. But a few things you must always remember:

Success occurs despite obstacles.
Success occurs in the presence of fear.
Success occurs despite fear.

People say, “I have this problem so I can’t do the business.” No you need to do the business because you have that problem. Just saying…


If you're still searching for the RIGHT business with the RIGHT products, contact me so we can set up a game plan and perfect match for YOUR online success!

Carrie Gebbie, MS

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