My son is off to DC enjoying the snow, his Daddy & Grandma & Grandpa..while I get to enjoy the view of the crisp, clear, view of the Santa Monica mountains from my home office...
As I sit here reflecting and wondering WHY it is that RAIN NUTRITION has gotten me RE-AWOKEN, and INSPIRED to share...and made it to the top of my recommendation list for building a residual income dynasty, I realize... usually... all these fabulous healthy products...I don't notice a difference (other than with healthy coffee (I feel those effects to this day after 5 years!) because THANKFULLY, I'm healthy! So alllll the health testimonials I may or may not have heard from my customers or teammates...I never had them for myself!
I've been on the Rain Nutrition products about 4 weeks now...and I notice my skin is smoother (must be from the Soul); and when I drink the healthy energy drink (Rush), I don't take/need my luxury nap! I notice I keep going, and going, and going! With a clear, focused energy and mental clarity. As well as I already sleep, I seem to be sleeping more deeply with more dreams too!
The next thing... I keep getting feedback to the folks I've introduced Rain to, and THEY are sharing stories with me, not only their own, but of the folks they've shared with! How FUN is that when someone CALLS YOU (more importantly, calls your teammates for more product...IE, DUPLICATION!) asking for more product!! One swimmer is having the best workouts of his career! Thanks to Storm! It's supposed to be for muscle recovery, but I'm hearing results of more stamina, power, & flexibility when they take it BEFORE their workout! I'm inspired to work out again too (I used to be a gymnast & bodybuilder but now a Mom... you know what that means, I usually get enough of a workout, but again...I'm inspired to do and be MORE now!)
I didn't mention yet the BRILLIANCE of Rain's marketing and branding department! Thank you Wendy! I don't know about you, but just listen to these words... "Soul" "Pure" "Rush" "Storm" "Rain" ... Do they resonate with you? They sure do for me!
Anyway, I'm ever grateful that I was open, and hopefully you are too, to RUNNING with ONE LAST company to buckle down and FOCUS going into the next decade together! I wish you all the best & all your heart's desires of freedom, abundance, joy, love & prosperity to you and yours this holiday season and always!
Peace & Blessings,
Carrie Gebbie, MS
310-460-9680 for all your online marketing success needs!
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